We are a small group of farmers and supporters who care about farming and farmland and know that it needs to be protected and nurtured into the future.
Jacque is a 4th generation farmer and co owner of Duyck Family Farm LLC. She farms in Banks, North Plains, and Roy on amazing farmland that produces high quality kotata blackberries, blueberries, fescue and perennial grass seed for the Oregon, national, and export markets. Farming is her livelihood after a career as an elementary teacher and she is passionate about agriculture education and advocacy for the diverse and bountiful industry as a whole.
Farmland is finite. Everyone can be a steward of the land when decisions are made to protect the soil that captures carbon, provides oxygen, food, fiber, wildlife habitats etc. Jacque works with Farmland First because farmland must be protected and invested in for the agriculture industry to thrive and for a healthy and sustainable environment for now and future generations.
Aaron runs Stoneboat Farm, a sustainable vegetable farm north of Hillsboro and East of North Plains. The farm feeds about 500 members and is at two busy farmers’ markets each week. Seeing how 15 acres of farmable land can feed good food to so many opened Aaron’s eyes to how important preserving our amazing farmland is.
Aaron works with Farmland First because he wants to see real investment in farm communities and the preservation of farmland into the future. He knows that we need the farmland and the amazing farmers who keep it productive right now and that we’ll need them even more in the future.
You can e-mail Aaron at stoneboatpdx@gmail.com or find him at the Hollywood Farmers’ Market on Saturdays!