North Plains is in the process of expanding its Urban Growth Boundary. The city’s current plan more than doubles the size of the city. Virtually all of that expansion will take place what an Oregon Department of Agriculture agronomist called “incredible farmland.”
In all three cases (areas) it can be stated that this incredible farmland. What land is not prime, is with minor exceptions, high-value farmland. And a couple of the subject areas have some of the largest blocks of Class I soils currently protected as Goal 3 agricultural land in the state. Class I lands that are zoned EFU are relatively rare in Oregon. Class II is usually the largest area soil type in our best agricultural areas. Another important factor for almost all the area soils; irrigation does not change (make better) the agriculture soil capability. In other words, these are great ag soils with or without irrigation.
- Jim Johnson, ODA
Though North Plains has legitimate reasons for wanting to expand, their plan shows very little evidence that the expansion will accomplish their goals of a wider tax base and more jobs. Past expansions have promised jobs and mixed use and resulted in subdivisons with houses starting in the mid $400,000s. Without a plan, the land will be used by whomever has the money and the power to get their project built. Right now that seems to be a luxury home developer based in Florida and gigantic, resource heavy and job poor data centers.
We can do better.
North Plains plan started in 2020, and the city did very little outreach to those inside the city. They did virtually none to those outside city limits, despite the fact the farmers are some of the most affected by this plan. A better plan, one that mitigates the harm to rural areas, one that addresses the real and proven needs of North Plains, and one that provides stability for the city and the farmers around it if we bring more people to the table and consider the needs of the region. The narrow interests of a city can’t take precedence over the needs of a region and a state for its best farmland and strong farming communities.
North Plains’ UGB expansion is far from a sure thing. It still needs approval from the county and the state. You can help out!
We need:
People in North Plains who believe a better plan is possible to let their commissioners know. You can reach out here.
People who are directly affected to write letters to their county commissioners and the DLCD to explain how this plan damages you. Contact us for more details!
Anyone who lives in Washington county to write to the county commission to let them know you oppose this expansion. Please let them know that farmland is important to you a better plan is possible if we bring more people to the table. You can contact the commission here.
Volunteers to attend county commission and city council meetings and take notes. Contact us if you are interested!
Good ideas to build a better UGB plan.